YMCA Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedures

Date Policy and Procedures Established: January 1, 2025


Provide staff, students, and volunteers with a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities for ensuring the safe arrival and dismissal of children. It will outline the steps required:

  • When a child does not arrive as expected
  • To ensure safe dismissal

Expectations and Responsibilities

All Supervisors/Designates will ensure the Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedure is implemented

All Staff, Students, and Volunteers will follow all the steps outlined in the Safe Arrival and Dismissal Policy and Procedure

Child and Family Development Management will review and update the policy as required

Policy Statement

The YMCA will ensure that any child receiving care at the child care centre is only released to the child’s parent/guardian or an individual that is authorized by the parent/guardian.

The YMCA considers any responsible person 16 years of age or older an adult for the purpose of safe arrival and departure.

In extenuating circumstances, a parent/guardian may request that a child over the age of 10 be released without adult supervision. This request will be considered pending an agreed-upon written plan that includes instructions regarding the release and time of dismissal of the child.

In instances where a child does not arrive in care as expected or is not picked up as expected, staff must follow the Safe Arrival and Dismissal Procedures set out below.


Upon the child’s arrival, staff must:

  • Complete a Daily Health Check
  • Sign the child in on the classroom attendance record, indicating the time
  • Document in the Daily Written Record any change in pick-up arrangements as indicated by parent/guardian

When a child has not arrived by 9:30 a.m.

  • A text and email notification will be sent to a family to confirm the child’s absence. This communication will serve as the sole notification from the centre regardless of whether a response is received from the family
  • Document the child’s absence on the attendance and any additional information in the Daily Written Record

Before & After school programs

  • If a child does not arrive before the school bell rings, no additional steps will be taken, since the school will follow their own protocol regarding safe arrival.

Non-Instructional Days

When a child has not arrived by 9:30 a.m. 

Supervisor/designate must:

  • At their first opportunity, communicate via email, text, phone call or other means, with a family to confirm the absence. This communication will serve as the sole notification from the centre regardless of whether a response is received from the family.
  • Families may choose to opt out of notifications by indicating in writing to the Supervisor/Designate.
  • Document the child’s absence on the attendance and any additional information in the Daily Written Record.

During a regular school day if a child has not arrived at the afterschool program the supervisor/designate will check the child’s attendance with the school office. If the child is unaccounted for:

  • Check the school premise
  • Call the parent/guardian to confirm the child’s absence
  •  Call the police
  • Contact the Manager/General Manager
  • Complete the YMCA Incident/Accident notification and file a Serious Occurrence with the Ministry of Education

Releasing a child from care

At the time of pick-up, staff will only release to the child’s parent/guardian or those individuals who are authorized by a parent/guardian.

If the staff does not know the individual picking up the child:

  • Confirm authorization with another staff
  • Where the above is not possible, request the individual’s government-issued photo identification, to verify the individual with the child’s authorized pick-up contact list
  • When the parent provides the name of an alternative adult to pick up, check the government-issued ID against the name provided

Extracurricular activities

If a child is participating in extra-curricular activities not part of our program:

  • Written instructions from the parent should include the activity, location, date, time, and whether the child will go directly to the activity or the YMCA first

If a child has not been picked up and the centre is closed:

The staff must:

  • Call the parent/guardian or authorized individual
  • Call an emergency contact when unable to reach the parent/guardian or authorized individual
  • Notify the supervisor/designate who will notify the Manager/General Manager
  • After one hour, call the appropriate regional child protection agency if there has been no contact with the parent/guardian/emergency contact
  • Follow the instructions provided by the regional child protection agency