Summer Staff Application Guide
Thanks for your interest in working at YMCA Camp Pine Crest for the coming summer! The YMCA of Greater Toronto aspires to be a great workplace through an environment that embraces diversity and social inclusion, valuing differences and supporting full participation by all employees
The YMCA provides almost 6,000 employees with meaningful jobs and the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of individuals and the health of our communities. The YMCA works to build healthy communities. This is achieved through a shared culture and values. We recognize the contributions of our staff through innovative practices, great benefits, and growth opportunities
Our staff work together to create fulfilling experiences for the children and families we work with. While striving to create the best experiences possible for our campers, we are committed to supporting staff in their development. Being a role model, focusing on positive leadership, and demonstrating sound judgment while caring for children should be our staff's focus.

General Information
At the YMCA of Greater Toronto, we value the diversity of people and communities. We are committed to excellence and inclusion in our association and a barrier-free environment. If you require accommodation at any stage during the hiring process, please inform us in advance to arrange for appropriate accommodation.
Please read through the job description information carefully. If you find a position that aligns with your interest and level of experience and you possess (or are willing to obtain) the required qualifications, complete the following steps:
Step 1: Read the job descriptions and choose the position(s) you want to apply for.
Step 2: Upload your resume and cover letter to the hiring portal by the December 1, 2024 deadline*.
Step 3: Candidates selected to move forward with the application process will get an email with a link to book an in-person interview.
*A second round of hiring will begin in January based on need.
In compliance with YMCA and Ontario Camping Association recommended practices, all staff are required to be 17 by December 31, 2025. Some positions have specific age restrictions, which will be noted in the job descriptions, to comply with various YMCA, OCA, or government guidelines.
At Camp Pine Crest, the salary for all summer positions is determined by a set pay scale based on years of relevant experience and the requirements of the job. The range for each position will be posted with our job posting. Where you fall in that range will be determined by applicable work experience and certifications.
All employment offers include meals and accommodations without deductions from your wages.
Most jobs at Camp Pine Crest are residential, and days off are scheduled around our on-site program. Schedules will be created for each camp session by the Supervisory Team. If you require a certain day or time period off during the summer, please let us know during the interview process so we can aim to accommodate.
At a minimum, staff earn one day off for every six days worked. For staff who work longer than six days in a row on out-trips, time off will be accrued during the trip and can be taken before or after the trip. Time off will be explained in more detail during the interview process.
At YMCA Camp Pine Crest, we are committed to providing training and development opportunities for all members of our staff team. Mandatory training occurs at the beginning of each camp season and throughout the contract, to help our staff members improve existing skills and develop new ones.
Staff will also be asked to complete a number of mandatory online training sessions prior to coming to camp to ensure we can spend as much time as possible during training on experiential learning.
All staff are required to hold current Standard First Aid and CPR-C certifications. Additionally, most positions where staff work directly with children are strongly encouraged to have National Lifeguard Pool certification. In some roles, like Counsellors and MACKs, where National Lifeguard Pool certification is not required, you will receive compensation for having the certification. Please start looking at courses if they are offered in your area. If you have financial barriers to obtaining these certifications, please get in touch with us. Pine Crest offers a Camp Equitable Employment Fund (CEEF) that supports marginalized community members in acquiring these certifications and would be happy to chat about eligibility requirements.
Many of our positions require additional certifications. If other certifications are indicated as conditions of your contract, Pine Crest will subsidize the cost of these certifications to reduce any financial barriers to working with us. The reimbursement amount will vary depending on the training and your job. Please note that we do not reimburse for re-certification. Camp is not responsible for the transportation or lodging at your certification courses, so please be prepared to arrange payment for any additional costs. All course days are non-paid days off if you are working during that time.
All YMCA of Greater Toronto staff 18 or older must complete a Vulnerable Police Record Check (PRC) before their first day. All staff under 18 will be asked to sign a declaration stating they have not committed any crimes.
In our commitment to providing a safe and nurturing environment for our campers, all position offers, paid or volunteer, are contingent on the YMCA receiving the original copy of a satisfactory Vulnerable PRC before the first day of the contract period. We will keep the original copy, so have extra copies made for your reference. Staff can only report for work with a current Vulnerable PRC.
The PRC must be dated within six months of the contract start date. All staff are required to submit a new PRC for their contract start date.
Volunteers are a valued part of the Camp Pine Crest community. Opportunities exist in various roles at Pine Crest, including kitchen, maintenance, and wellness. If you have the energy, time, and ability to contribute to Pine Crest this summer, please get in touch with one of the Summer Camp Directors. The volunteer information and job postings will be available on our website in March. Volunteers at Pine Crest are asked to complete online training before they arrive at camp and commit to a term of two weeks. Summer-long volunteer opportunities are also available for some specialized positions.
Minimum age requirements: Volunteers must be 16 by December 31, 2025
Summer Positions

We value staff who are enthusiastic, hardworking, and committed to working cooperatively as supportive members of our community to provide the best possible experience for campers and participants.
Our summer staff team of approximately 135 is made up of a combination of full-time and seasonal YMCA staff.
NOTE: Working during the week of Family Camp, July 27–August 1 2025, is part of contract obligations. Successful candidates should assume that they will be working this week. Please let us know during your interview if you require the week off.
Counselling Team
Pine Crest Counsellors and MACKs make up most of our staff and are at the heart of the camp experience for campers. This team gives leadership in pairs to camper groups of eight campers or 1:1 support for inclusion campers. Counsellors at Pine Crest are group leaders, lifeguards, and program instructors responsible for leading a variety of camp activities and skill areas. In addition, counselling staff lead cabin canoe trips, ranging in length from one to four nights, depending on the group's age. We aim to pair one Counsellor and one MACK together in each cabin. In the event that we are not able to, two MACKs will be paired with each other throughout the summer. At least one staff member must be 18 or older to lead a canoe trip off Pine Crest property.
When working 1:1 with an inclusion participant, staff provide the assistance, accommodation, and extra support required for a camper. This allows them to participate fully in the camp program as a member of the cabin group or for a young adult with specific needs to participate in a camp volunteer placement.
Attributes of vital Counsellors and MACKs are enthusiasm, creative programming, independence, care for others, and a good work ethic. The Counselling Team is supported by the Counselling Supervisors.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Counsellor (25) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid and CPR C | NLS |
MACK (25) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid and CPR C | NLS |
Inclusions 1:1 Support Counsellor (2) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid and CPR C | NLS |
Counsellors spend their summer working with our various camper programs including Day Camp, Pine Cones (5–7-year-olds), and one-week and two-week overnight programs. In addition to these duties, all counselling staff share responsibility with other areas on camp when needed including maintenance, kitchen, and program teams. Counsellors also act as role models to our MACKs. All counsellors should have experience working with children and must confidently plan and lead a program. Experience on canoe or camping trips is considered an asset.
All first-year Counselling Team applicants without previous camp work experience will be considered for MACK positions.
A MACK’s responsibilities include camper care, skill instruction, providing meaningful programming to their cabin group, and leading out-trips. MACKs will also spend a session in a kitchen or maintenance placement. The goal of these placements is to understand different areas of camp and to have an appreciation of all roles involved in making camp run smoothly. If interested, MACKs also have the opportunity to work 1:1 with inclusion campers and volunteers.
The goals for MACKs are to develop and strengthen their group management, program development, and leadership skills.
Inclusion Counsellors provide 1:1 support and are at the heart of the camp experience for our inclusion campers and volunteers. Counsellors provide the assistance, accommodation, and extra support required for a camper with specific needs to participate fully in the camp program and for a young adult with specific needs to participate in a camp volunteer placement. Inclusions Counsellors work closely with the Inclusions Supervisor to create an inclusive camp environment, find resources, modify activities, and advocate for campers and volunteers with additional needs.
Supervisor Team
The Supervisor Team includes the Counselling Supervisors, Leadership Supervisor, Inclusions Supervisor, and Waterfront Supervisor. The Supervisor Team is responsible for the overall care of camp participants by providing support and supervision to the Counselling Team. Counselling Supervisors are directly involved in daily cabin programming in their sections. They provide mentoring and coaching to the Counselling Team to ensure all programming is high quality and age-appropriate. The Supervisor Team also works closely with other camp departments to communicate challenges and ensure camper care is top-notch. In case of escalated participant incidents or concerns, the Supervisor Team steps in to assist counselling staff, provide coaching and guidance, and communicate with parents and families as necessary to resolve the issue.
The Waterfront Supervisor will oversee the boating and sailing heads and work closely with the area heads and counsellors to develop and facilitate new and creative programming. They also ensure that all necessary safety procedures are followed in their sections.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Counselling Supervisor (4) | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, and minimum 2 years counselling experience | G Class driver’s license |
Inclusions Supervisor (1) | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, and minimum 1 year experience working with various special needs | G Class driver’s license, Post-Secondary Education in Related Field |
Leadership Supervisor | June 8–August 30 | Minimum of 19 years of age by start of contract. Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS. | Experience in intermediate education programs, ORCKA BI F Class Driver’s License |
Waterfront Supervisor (1) | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, and minimum 2 years counselling experience, Minimum 3 years’ experience working in a camp or aquatic/waterfront environment | Swim Instructor certification, G Class driver’s license |
Counselling Supervisors help plan and facilitate camper cabin programs with staff they are supervising. Counselling Supervisors are expected to be flexible and step in where needed to support counselling staff. They will also be in charge of planning and facilitating section nights. Counselling Supervisors will also be booked out for programs staff they supervise to participate in the programs planned for their campers.
Counselling Supervisors are also responsible for organizing, distributing, and collecting Camper Experience Cards (CEC's), postcards, and birthday cards. Counselling Supervisors should be highly organized and able to complete tasks with a tight deadline. Counselling Supervisors are supervised by the Camp Coordinator.
The Inclusion Supervisor is responsible for overseeing the care and well-being of campers who are working with a 1:1 staff member. They are responsible for properly preparing each staff working with a 1:1 participant before their arrival. The Inclusions Supervisor is also the primary contact between camp and the inclusion campers’ families. The Inclusions Supervisor works with 1:1 staff and participants daily to provide coaching, support, and quality programming. They are in charge of welcoming volunteers with special needs and supporting them throughout their stay.
Inclusions Supervisor will also supervise some Counsellors and MACK's, support the Counselling Supervisors with their paperwork duties, and help problem-solve challenging camper conflicts when needed. The Inclusions Supervisor is supervised by the Camp Coordinator.
The Leadership Supervisor is responsible for supervising and developing programing for Pine Crest leadership participants and trainers. This role provides support and training for leadership staff and utilizes adolescent development resources. The Leadership Supervisor is involved in programming with each leadership group. The Leadership Supervisor ensures that administrative requirements, such as leadership appraisals, surveys, and high school credit paperwork, are met on time. They will work closely with the Out-Tripping (OP) team to ensure consistency between leadership programs in camp and on trips.
The Waterfront Supervisor is responsible for consistently facilitating the delivery of safe, enjoyable, challenging, fun, and inclusive water-based programming to Pine Crest. They are responsible for the successful day-to-day operations of all waterfront areas, including on-site swimming areas, canoeing, kayaking, and sailing programs. The Waterfront Supervisor’s focus is developing new programs, mentoring staff and contributing to their ongoing training, having a thorough understanding of high-quality programming and program resource development, mentoring the waterfront program team members, providing timely and frequent feedback, and being flexible in their day-to-day role.
They plan and deliver special events and schedule and oversee skill development areas and skill levels while making sure they are followed and tracked; they also ensure all program equipment is in good working order. The Waterfront Supervisor is supervised by the Program Director.
Leadership Team
Pine Crest has robust leadership programs for participants ages 13 to 16. Our leadership programs rely heavily on experiential learning, leadership theory, group development, and out-tripping to teach personal and group skills. These programs focus on building awareness, setting goals, and building skills before implementing them. We strive to help participants gain awareness about an issue they care about and develop the skills to take action and improve it. Our leadership programs help teens independently and successfully solve personal, interpersonal, and environmental challenges that may arise. Out-trips are a big part of our leadership programs to build trip hard skills, resiliency, perseverance, and an appreciation for the outdoors.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Leadership Trainer (14) | June 8–August 30 | Minimum of 19 years of age by start of contract Flatwater Trip: Wilderness First Responder, CPR C, NLS, ORCKA Canoe Tripping Level 3, Food Handler’s Certificate Whitewater Trip: Wilderness First Responder, CPR C, NLS, ORCKA Canoe Tripping Level 3, ORCKA Moving Water Level 2, Whitewater Rescue Technician, Food Hander’s Certificate | Previous leadership experience, ORCKA Basic Instructor, Canoe Tripping or Moving Water Instructor, Paddle Canada Level 2 Sea Kayak Skills or equivalent, G Class Driver’s License |
Senior Leadership Trainer (8) | June 1–August 30 | Minimum 2 years' experience leading extended wilderness trip programs, Minimum of 19 years of age by start of contract Flatwater Trip: Wilderness First Responder, CPR C, NLS, ORCKA Canoe Tripping Level 3, Food Handlers Whitewater Trip: Wilderness First Responder, CPR C, NLS, Possession and Acquisition License, ORCKA Canoe Tripping Level 3, ORCKA Moving Water Level 2, Whitewater Rescue Technician, Food Handlers | Previous leadership experience, ORCKA Basic Instructors, Canoe Tripping, Moving Water, or Kayaking instructor, F Class Driver’s License |
Leadership Trainers facilitate and deliver high-quality and intentional leadership programs at YMCA Camp Pine Crest. In pairs, trainers work cooperatively to provide our leadership programs. Leadership Trainers plan and deliver activities, learning sessions, and debriefs that help participants develop awareness and skills. Trainers also help each group member understand how their actions impact the well-being of the whole group and how to behave to benefit themselves and their group. Participants are introduced to leadership theory, group development, and skill development and have opportunities to build resilience and confidence.
An integral part of our leadership program is out-trips, where Trainers mentor participants in kayaking, flat water or white-water canoe trips. Leadership Trainers plan and deliver camping trips in ways that help participants develop awareness and skills. Leadership Trainers are expected to demonstrate a high level of accountability and act as positive and active role models. They must also be comfortable delivering a wide variety of qualifications, theoretical, and practical program sessions. Leadership Trainers must be proficient in facilitating various leadership development sessions and possess the certifications and experience necessary to manage risk and demonstrate sound judgment while leading trips. Additionally, Leadership Trainers provide support in the Out-Tripping department or any other program area where needed. All Trainers attend the Leadership Information Day in late May to meet the families of their participants.
Some trainers are also responsible for delivering high school credit to participants. This includes facilitating assignments, marking, and ensuring participant completion. An extra day of training is added for those who deliver the course.
Training opportunities include Junior Leadership in Training (JLIT) (14 years of age), Leadership in Training (LIT) (15 years of age), and Senior Leadership (SL) (16 years of age). The length of programs vary.
The Leadership Supervisor supervises Leadership Trainers for in camp programing with support from the OP Directors. For out-trip-based programs Trainers are supervised by the OP Directors with support from the Leadership Supervisor.
At Pine Crest, we have a mentorship structure that encourages all staff to share knowledge. Having the ability to work with a variety of age groups and experience levels is an incredible learning experience for all Leadership Trainers. Being able to modify and adjust your teaching style and deliver effective programming to any age group is a skill that all staff should feel confident in. We hire based on level of leadership; in your job offer, we’ll let you know which programs you are running. For information about our Leadership Programs this summer, go to our website.
Program Team
The Program Team plays a lead role in bringing fun to Pine Crest! This team works together to ensure the camper experience at Pine Crest is unforgettable. Responsibilities include skills areas, special events, cabin programs, clubs, and more. We are looking for a team of individuals dedicated to creating high-quality programs that are safe, enjoyable, challenging, and inclusive. Members of the Program Team enjoy being wacky, developing new programs, mentoring staff, and being flexible in their day-to-day roles.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Program Director | June 1–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, 2 years supervisor experience | ACCT Level 2 ropes certification. G Class driver’s license |
Boating Area Head | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, ORCKA Basic Instructor, Pleasure Craft Operator Card | ORCKA Kayak Instructor, G Class driver’s license |
Sailing Area Head | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, Prior sailing experience, Pleasure Craft Operator Card | White Sail Levels, G Class driver’s license |
NAC (Natural Arts & Crafts) Area Head | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C | NLS, Experience with pottery and photo development, G Class driver’s license |
Ropes Area Head | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR C, ACCT Level 2 Ropes certification | NLS, G Class driver’s license |
Outdoor Living Skills Area Head | June 8–August 30 | 19 years of age by contract start, Standard First Aid, CPR C | NLS, Leave No Trace certification, previous experience leading out trips, G Class driver’s license |
This position ensures that YMCA, CQRP, and OCA standards are met in each program area. The Program Director’s responsibilities include:
- Facilitate fun, inclusive, and safe programming
- Plan and deliver memorable events
- Make schedules for resource staff
- Oversee skill development areas, ensuring skill levels are followed and tracked
- Contribute to staff training and program resource development
- Mentor program team members and provide timely and frequent feedback
- Ensure all program equipment is in good working order
- Facilitate a program fair each session to help counsellors plan fun and meaningful programs for their campers
- Help develop and implement cabin programming with the help of Counsellors and MACKs
The successful applicant for this role must have exceptional organizational skills, exceptional program delivery, enjoy mentoring and coaching, and communicate well with others. The Program Director is directly supported by the Summer Camp Coordinator.
Skills Area Heads coordinate the day-to-day operation of our various skill areas. There are boating, ropes, natural arts and crafts, sailing, and outdoor living skills (OLS) Area Head positions. They ensure the effective delivery of Pine Crest skills levels and develop new resources for their respective areas. Area Heads are also responsible for the overall operation of their program areas, ensuring that policies, procedures, and safety expectations are met and maintaining equipment. Skills Area Heads actively promote high-quality programs, support Counsellors in their cabin programs, and work together as Skills Area Heads to plan and deliver special events. Skills Area Heads should have the desire to go the extra mile to ensure that all in-camp programming is being run at a high level. Counsellors and MACKs look to the Skills Area Head (Program Team) for guidance on developing and implementing high-quality programming with their cabins. Skills Area Heads provide input to all special events at camp and assist in the planning, preparing, and delivering themed meals, all camp days, section nights, and more.
Outdoor Pursuits (OP) Team
The OP Team works together to run all aspects of our extensive out tripping program. This operation includes planning permits and travel, managing and repairing equipment, and ensuring a quality out trip experience through program planning and on call support. This department manages equipment purchasing as well as food ordering and food preparation. OP team members must be experienced in and passionate about out tripping, with a commitment to excellence in all aspects of our program from menu planning to route development, stewardship and skill development.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
OP Coordinator (1) | April 30–September 30 | Wilderness First Responder, NLS, Pleasure Craft Operator Card, F Class driver’s license, extensive knowledge of canoe tripping which includes White Water, Safe Food Handling certificate | ORCKA Canoe Tripping Instructor, ORCKA Moving Water Instructor |
OP Director (2) | June 1– August 30 | Wilderness First Responder, NLS, Pleasure Craft Operator Card, F Class driver’s license, extensive knowledge of canoe tripping which includes White Water, Safe Food Handling certificate | ORCKA Canoe Tripping Instructor, ORCKA Moving Water 2 |
Trippers (4) | June 22– August 30 | Wilderness Advanced First Aid, Standard First Aid, CPR-C, NLS, 18 years of age | ORCKA Canoe Tripping Instructor |
Drivers (4) | June 22– August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, F Class Driver’s License, clear driver’s abstract | NLS, Advanced Wilderness First Aid |
OP Staff (1) | June 22– August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, NLS, F Class Driver’s License, clear driver’s abstract | Wilderness Advanced First Aid, ORCKA Canoe Tripping Instructor |
The Outdoor Pursuits (OP) Coordinator oversees the overall operation of the out-tripping department. This individual is responsible for out-trip program quality and development, trip logistics, and the smooth operation of the OP department. Our OP department coordinates approximately 240 canoe, kayak, and hiking trips throughout the summer. The OP Director must be able to manage many tasks at once and prioritize them appropriately. The OP Coordinator is expected to support the OP Director in daily operations and responding to trip emergencies. The OP Coordinator must be able to manage a budget. They are in charge of managing all travel costs, food ordering, and program supply purchasing. They must possess the maturity and understanding to support staff in the field and coordinate evacuations if necessary. Along with the Director, the OP Coordinator must ensure that all Pine Crest expectations and procedures are followed to meet our risk management expectations for extended and camper trips.
The OP Coordinator works closely with other departments, such as the Section Head, Wellness, Office, and Food Services teams. They must cooperate to support campers on out-trips, ensuring their fundamental needs are met. The OP Coordinator also works closely with the Supervisory Team to create driving schedules and food orders.
The OP Coordinator and OP Director collaborate, plan, and deliver training to all staff to prepare them for their out-tripping roles. The OP Coordinator supervises Senior Leadership programs and supports all other Leadership programs. Due to the depth and scope of this role, the OP Director has an extended contract to ensure that Camp Pine Crest’s high expectations of safety and program quality are met. The successful applicant for the OP Director position must have significant wilderness-tripping experience, exceptional organizational and communication skills, and remain calm and competent in stressful situations. This position is supported and supervised by the Summer Camp Directors.
The OP Directors work closely with each other and the OP Coordinator. They work collaboratively to ensure the smooth daily operations of the OP building. They coordinate drivers and vans, maintain the general cleanliness of OP kitchens and main areas, support and teach staff using the OP building, and ensure a high level of programming for our campers on trips. One OP Director oversees our camper tripping program, the other manages the leadership tripping program, and both lend support where it’s needed daily. OP Directors ensure the equipment needs of each group have been met through maintenance, inventory, and repair; they ensure that all trips leaving the Pine Crest main site follow all safety protocols and are adequately prepared to depart. The OP Directors are on-call to respond to emergencies and drive to out-trips as needed. The OP Directors, who work with the OP Coordinator and Counselling Section Heads, must have exceptional communication skills. The OP Directors are directly supervised by the OP Coordinator.
Trippers support our cabin groups. For cabins that don’t have two Counsellors with their NL, or if a cabin group needs extra support, Trippers are sent with the group to ensure that the trip runs smoothly. Trippers are scheduled to go on trips throughout our two-week sessions to support our Counselling staff. Trippers act as additional staff, helping with all parts of the trip. This role requires valid Standard First Aid, CPR-C, NL certification and be 18 years old. This role is supervised and scheduled by the OP Directors.
Drivers are a crucial piece of the out-tripping program. They transport camper or leadership groups to various locations, driving 15-passenger vans with canoe trailers. Drives vary in length: Many are within two hours of camp, but routes also include multi-day drives to Manitoba or Quebec. Drivers work with the Facilities Manager to ensure proper vehicle maintenance. Drivers are supervised and supported by the OP Coordinator.
The OP Staff helps with all things OP-related. This can include repairing, inventorying, and organizing gear, helping campers and participants pack food, and helping Counsellors plan routes. This role ensures the OP Team has the hands and support they need to make the out-tripping program successful.
Office Team
The Office Team works closely with the Camp Pine Crest full time Customer Service Team Lead to ensure camper records are up to date and pulled in a timely manner for the beginning of each session, bus lists and cabin lists are delivered in a timely manner, ensuring any camper family issues have been resolved and being the main line of communication between families and Pine Crest. They also work with other department heads to ensure that all systems and procedures at the camp are in compliance with the YMCA, Ontario Camping Association, and YMCA Camp Pine Crest policies. Members of this team must be friendly, flexible, organized, and comfortable using a computer.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Office Staff (1) | June 19–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C | G Class license |
Office Staff/Social Media (1) | June 19–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, photography experience and understanding of use of social media | G Class license |
The Office Staff provides administrative support for all camp operations, which includes coordinating arrival and departure days, managing phone calls and general email, distributing all incoming and outgoing mail, ordering office supplies, coordinating camper packages, managing the camp store, which includes managing petty cash, overseeing postcards and birthday cards, coordinating bus pick up and departures, and other duties as needed. The Office Staff is directly supervised by the Customer Service Team Lead.
The responsibilities of this role are the same as those of the Office Staff position outlined above. Plus, they handle photography and newsletter creation to provide families with frequent updates.
Facilities Team
Facilities Staff assist the Facilities Supervisors in keeping the site in good condition. Responsibilities include light construction, building repair, landscaping, minor plumbing and electrical repairs, and painting. These staff members are also responsible for regular cleaning of all general use areas of camp, including the dining room, washrooms, and shower facilities.
The Facilities Team regularly works with volunteers to ensure they understand their responsibilities and to teach skills. The Facilities Staff are supported and supervised by the Facilities Supervisor.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Facilities Staff (2) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C | G Class Driver’s license |
Food Services Team
The Food Services Team is responsible for meal planning, food preparation, and clean up for up to 350 campers and staff each day. They work together to provide three meals a day to everyone staying on-site. The food services team is diligent in working with campers and families with allergies and dietary restrictions, ensuring that all campers have delicious and nutritious food throughout their stay at camp. Food Service Team members have a love for food, work closely with others, and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Summer Food Services Coordinator (2) | June 8–August 30 Longer contracts available. Ask for more information | Standard First Aid, CPR C, Safe Food Handling Certificate, experience managing a food service for over 200 people, At least 1 year experience supervising staff and at least 2 years experience working in a cook/hospitality position. | |
OP Food Services Coordinator (1) | June 8–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, Safe Food Handling Certificate, Experience preparing for wilderness trip environments (dehydrating) | Supervisory experience and previous experience working in a camp environment |
Prep Cook (6) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, Safe Food Handling Certificate | Experience cooking for various diets & complex allergies |
Dietary Cook (1) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid, CPR C, Safe Food Handling Certificate | Experience cooking for various diets & complex allergies |
The Summer Food Services Coordinator works with the Kitchen Team to provide three meals a day to everyone staying on-site at Pine Crest, along with maintaining the cleanliness of the kitchen and equipment and following established health and safety procedures in accordance with the Ministry of Health. All staff will play an important role in planning, preparing, and presenting the meals for campers and staff, with the Summer Food Services Coordinator providing leadership under the guidance of the Food Services Director to the Kitchen Team. The Summer Food Services Coordinator will also be responsible for working with the program team to ensure a relationship of open communication within the camp, especially for kitchen program planning. The Summer Food Services Coordinator helps to foster a team that is passionate about diligently working with campers and families who have allergies and dietary restrictions, making sure that all campers have delicious and nutritious food throughout their stay at camp.
The OP Food Services Coordinator works with the Kitchen and OP teams to ensure three meals a day are provided to everyone on-site and on out-trips, maintain the cleanliness of the kitchens and equipment, and follow established health and safety procedures in accordance with the Ministry of Health. The OP Food Services Coordinator plays a vital role in the menu planning, preparation, dehydration, and packing of meals for campers, participants, and staff, providing leadership under the guidance of the Food Services Director to Trainers, Counsellor, MACKs, and Trippers in this regard. The Food Services Team is diligent in working with campers and families with allergies and dietary restrictions, ensuring that all campers have delicious and nutritious food throughout their stay.
Prep Cooks play an important role in planning, preparing, and presenting meals for the entire camp. Placements for Prep Cooks change between the large dining hall (Kekindewin) and the smaller dining hall (Winter Lodge) throughout the summer. Prep Cooks work at a specific station each day. Stations include baking, dietary prep, salad bar, and more. They are also responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy kitchen in accordance with the Ministry of Health. All kitchen staff are supported and supervised by the Summer Food Services Coordinator and Food Services Directors.
The Dietary Cook is responsible for preparing all dietary meals throughout the summer. They must know and understand the dietary restrictions of including staff and campers. Dietary Cooks plan and prepare meals that meet the needs of any dietary restrictions and assist with managing dietary restrictions on out-trips when staff are packing for them. They also help with meal service and are responsible for maintaining a clean and healthy kitchen in accordance with the Ministry of Health. All kitchen staff are supported and supervised by the Summer Food Services Coordinator and Food Service Directors.
Wellness Team
The Wellness team cares for the mental and physical health of the Pine Crest community. Daily responsibilities, such as health and wellness checks, first aid assessments, medication administration, and stocking first aid kits, are important to keeping our staff and campers well. This team also works with the Out-Tripping Directors to support health concerns from out-trips, guiding treatment in the field. Wellness staff must be willing to listen, problem solve, and work as a team to promote wellness and health at Pine Crest. They provide leadership to all camp staff on sun safety, healthy eating, adequate sleep, regular exercise, and more. The Wellness staff are directly supervised by the Wellness Director.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Wellness Director (1) | May 4–August 30 | Completed degree in relent field, Wilderness First Responder (or equivalent experience), valid G driver’s license | Certified RN |
Wellness Staff (2) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid & CPR C, Organized and shows self-initiative, G driver’s license | Wilderness First Aid, RN or social work student |
Mental Health Specialist (1) | June 22–August 30 | Standard First Aid & CPR C, Organized and shows self-initiative, G driver’s license, Completed degree in post-secondary education in related field, Previous experience working with children and youth in mental health setting, Mental Health First Aid | Wilderness First Aid |
Day Camp Team
The Day Camp team at Pine Crest consists of a Day Camp Director, Day Camp Program Head and Day Camp Counsellors. This team is responsible for ensuring the successful day-to-day implementation of day camp programming. They will be responsible for up to ten campers between the ages of 4–12 years old. The Day Camp team ensures that all children and youth have a safe and positive camp experience leading to personal growth and leadership opportunities. The team implements various camp programs such as natural arts, swimming, nature hikes, small and large games and more.
Position | Dates | Minimum Requirements | Preferred |
Day Camp Director | June 1–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR-C, NLS, previous experience working with children 4-12, 2 years supervisor experience | G Class driver’s license |
Day Camp Program Head (1) | June 15–August 30 | 19 years of age by start of contract, Standard First Aid, CPR-C, NLS, previous experience working with children 4-12 | G Class driver’s license |
Day Camp Counsellor (6): | June 22–August 30 | Stanard First Aid and CPR C | NLS |
The Little Critters Director oversees the Little Critters and Nature Explorers Day Camp programs. Their primary responsibilities are to provide expertise and consistency in program planning for ages 4–12, be the main liaison between Pine Crest and families, and oversee the Day Camp Program Head and Day Camp Counsellors. The Day Camp Director works with their team and other departments to create schedules for Day Camp that ensure equipment and program spaces are available.
The Day Camp Director builds relationships with families, takes daily attendance, and runs the value-beads program at the end of each day. This person balances their time between working with children, families, and staff to ensure that everyone involved in the Day Camp programs have a fun and rewarding experience. The Day Camp Director is directly supervised by the Assistant Summer Camp Director.
The Day Camp Program Head will work with the Day Camp Director to plan and facilitate all programing and themed weeks for Day Camp. They will also act as a float during the week to ensure all programs are running smoothly and supporting new Day Camp Staff. The Day Camp Program Head will report to the Day Camp Director.
Day Camp Counsellors at Pine Crest are responsible for ensuring the successful day-to-day implementation of our day camp programming. They will be responsible for a group size of up to ten campers that are between the ages of 4 – 12 years old. Counsellors ensure that all children and youth have a safe and positive camp experience leading to personal growth and leadership opportunities. Day Camp Counsellors plan and implement various camp programs such as natural arts, nature hikes, small and large games and more! Day Camp Counsellors will also participate in weekly lake swimming and canoeing activities, supervised by National Lifeguarding Society-certified lifeguards.

Contact With Camp
Thanks for your interest in joining the Camp Pine Crest team! We look forward to going through the application process with you.
Phone: 1-(877)-878-9622
Fax: (705)-762-5961
Email: pinecresthiring@ymcagta.org
If at any time in the application process you have questions or would like more information please send us an email or give us a call. We can’t wait to hear from you!